Learning Cafe

This blog is to share the good things in life, hope that can be a terminal which can gather all the people to share their experiances, knowledges & skills.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Boob Watch

Readers spot instances of poor English usage.
This is not to criticize but js to share some "funny words exist" around us..Haiya y simply write wan misleading pp lei kekekeke...
You mean, baby sitter!

I CAME across this highly amusing notice on the ground floor of my apartment. If only it were that easy to obtain a baby sister! Now, why didn’t I think of that rather than grow up as an only child?

To pass or to p---?

THERE’S surely some word missing in this toilet sign! Or else, the word “pass” should be changed to something else.

Power in powder

AT Giant Hypermarket, we are told indirectly that Susu Tepung (Milk Powder) will give you “POWER”!


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